Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Week 7 Vocabulary Quiz Key

Week 7 Vocabulary Quiz

Week 7 Vocabulary Words

1.  bedlam     A place, scene, or state of uproar or confusion
2.  callous     Lacking feeling. Having hard or thick skin.
3.  tawdry     Cheap in appearance.
4.  synopsis     A condensed statement or outline.
5.  revoke     To remove or take away.
6.  obligatory    Mandatory, required.
7.  jocular     Characterized by jesting; playful, joking.
8.  gauche     Lacking social experience or grace; crude.
9.  pompous. Arrogant, filled with self-importance.
10.  dissipate     To cause to spread out or thin to the point of vanishing.