Sunday, October 19, 2014

10/19/14 Week 6 Vocabulary Words, Definitions, Sample Sentences, and Pronunciations

Week 6 Word Pronunciations

1.  sycophant -  a servile follower, one who serves another in the hopes of a reward
2.  adamant - unmoving in attitude, opinion, or belief
3.  loquacious - extremely talkative
4.  austere -- stern or cold in appearance
5.  infallible -- incapable of making an error
6.  peruse - to skim, to glance through something
7.  immolate - to destroy, to get rid of; literally, to burn
8.  abysmal -- wretched, horrible
9.  equitable -- fair or equal
10.  disheveled - messy or "ruffled" in appearance

1.  The teacher's pet was an absolute sycophant.
2.  My parents are adamant that I can't go to the movies, so that isn't going to change.
3.  She is so loquacious, nobody else ever has a chance to speak.
4.  My math teacher is austere, but she is actually a very nice person.
5.  I am not infallible, so I know I will make mistakes from time to time.
6.  I like to peruse a book before deciding whether I will buy it or not.
7.  We are going to immolate the other team in the playoffs tonight.
8.  The weather is abysmal, so the game will probably get rained out.
9.  A judge has to be equitable when hearing a case.
10. After coming in out of the abysmal weather, her hair was disheveled.

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