Wednesday, March 4, 2015

3-3-15 Week 3 Vocabulary Words and Definitions

1.  slovenly - messy or dirty
2.  exacerbate - to worsen, to make worse
3.  livid - extremely angry
4.  propaganda - one-sided information meant to persuade
5.  juxtaposition - next to or adjacent to
6.  placate - to appease, to satisfy, to allay
7.  tact - knowing what to do and say so as not to be offensive
8.  adroit - skilled or proficient
9.  benevolent - good, kind, generous
10.  insatiable - incapable of being satisfied

1.  He is slovenly, so he has a tough time keeping his room clean.
2.  The boys who tried to exacerbate the fight were also suspended.
3.  I was livid when the lady ran the red light and hit my car.
4.  The military uses propaganda to get people to enlist.
5.  Because the car was in juxtaposition to the burning house, it burned, too.
6.  The mom tried to placate her crying child, but it didn't work.
7.  She had no tact, so she offended people a lot with what she said.
8.  After practicing for three years, he was adroit at playing basketball.
9.  The benevolent teacher extended the poetry project deadline.
10.  She has an insatiable appetite for reading, checking out four books every week.

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