Monday, November 3, 2014

11-3-14 Week 7 Vocabulary Words, Definitions, Sentences, and Pronunciations

Week 7 Vocabulary Word Pronunciations

Words and Definitions:
1.  ambivalent - having simultaneous but conflicting feelings about something; not feeling
                 strongly one way or the other
2.  divvy -  to share, to divide
3.  formidable - intimidating in appearance or scope
4.  valiant - brave, courageous
5.  superfluous - more than enough, too much
6.  omnipotent - all-powerful
7.  heckle - to verbally harass
8.  soiree - an evening social event, usually fancy
9.  encumber - to place a burden, to weigh down
10.  paradox - something that doesn't seem to be possible, but it is

Words and Sentences:
1.  I was ambivalent about where we went on vacation, so my parents decided on their own.
2.  After Halloween, I had to divvy my candy with my little brother.
3.  The other team was formidable, so we had already lost the game before it even began.
4.  The valiant knight killed the dragon and rescued the damsel in distress.
5.  The pop she brought to the party was superfluous because we already had twenty bottles.
6.  My boss thinks he is omnipotent, but he isn't as powerful as he thinks he is.
7.  The fans tried to heckle the opponent as he shot his free throw.
8.  She had to buy a formal dress for the soiree later that night.
9.  Please don't encumber me with your problems; I already have enough to deal with.
10.  It is a paradox how the scrawny boy kept beating football players in arm wrestling.

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