Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Week 8 Vocabulary Words, Definitions, Sentences, and Pronunciations

Week 8 Vocab Pronunciations

1.  fortuitous - lucky or fortunate
2.  kudos - praise for a job well done
3.  proficient -- highly trained or skilled
4.  empathy -- experiencing the pain or sorrow someone else is feeling
5.  utopia -- a perfect world or society
6.  churlish - vulgar or rude
7.  forte -- an area of expertise, something someone is really good at, a strength
8.  immune -- free from the effects of something
9.  relevant -- pertaining to the subject at hand
10.  articulate -- (the adjective, not the verb) having the ability to express one's thoughts in a clear and effective manner

1.  The baseball took a fortuitous hope right into his glove.
2.  Kudos to you for doing such a great job on that project.
3.  He is proficient at karate because he has been training for years.
4.  She was filled with so much empathy for her friend, she started crying, too.
5.  They tried to create a utopia, but greed and selfishness destroyed their plan.
6.  His behavior is so churlish, she said she would never go out with him.
7.   Her is good at all gymnastic events, but her forte is balance beam.
8.  Because he had a measles shot, he is immune to the disease.
9.  We are discussing sports, so your comment about cooking is not relevant.
10.  He won the election because he was articulate, not because he was the best for the job.

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