Monday, September 29, 2014

9-29-14 Week 4 Vocabulary Pronunciations, Definitions, and Sentences

Week 4 Vocabulary Pronunciations

Week 4 Vocabulary Words and Definitions:
1.  winsome - handsome or charming; having boy-like charm
2.  fastidious - excessively neat or tidy
3.  allay - to lessen, to relieve, or to reduce
4.  zeal - enthusiasm, or being filled with avid interest
5.  redundant - excessive repetition of the same word or phrase, or one very similar
6.  benign - harmless, usually referring to health
7. ebullient - bubbly and energetic
8.  pusillanimous - lacking courage, cowardly
9.  incarcerate - to jail or place in jail
10.  amicable - friendly, neighborly

Week 4 Sample Sentences:
1.  Emily hoped the winsome boy would ask her to the dance.
2.  She was so fastidious, nothing was out of place in her room.
3.  He tried to allay her fears by holding her hand, but it didn't work.
4.  She plays soccer with great zeal.
5.  That story is redundant, so it is really boring.
6.  The tumor is benign, so she has nothing to worry about.
7.  How can she be so ebullient this early in the morning?
8.  The pusillanimous boy was too afraid to enter the haunted house.
9.  They had to incarcerate the man for his malicious actions.
10.  He is amicable, so he has a lot of friends.

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