Tuesday, September 2, 2014

English I Syllabus

English I Syllabus

Instructor: Mr. Rowe  (rowe.stuart@battlegroundps.org)
Textbook: The Language of Literature
Blog:  FalconFrosh.blogspot.com

Course Description:
English I is intended to give students a broad exposure to different types of literature and different types of writing. Themes are followed throughout the semester, with each unit including a variety of genres, including short stories, dramas, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and more. There will be some intensive focus on writing proper sentences and paragraphs, as well as some extended writing projects. Writing assignments can include any of the following: narratives, persuasive, cause/effect, expository, comparison/contrast, poetry, short stories, and more. Weekly vocabulary quizzes will also be given throughout both semesters.

Class Blog:  The address for the class blog is listed above. This blog should be checked every night. There will be homework assignments posted here frequently, as well as project descriptions, lessons, readings, and much, much more. Computer/Internet access will be a necessity for each student. If this is not available at home, there are computers available in the library, and there are a couple computers available in my room that will be available before school, after school, or during STAT.

Each student must be in class everyday to get the full value of the course. For any days that are missed, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what work was done. I will provide any handouts for excused absences, but it would be wise to get any needed notes from another trustworthy student in the class.  Late work will only be accepted for excused absences.

A student must be in the class room when the bell rings to be considered on time, or he/she must have a pass excusing the lateness. All tardies are submitted through the Skyward system, and consequences occur as tardies are accumulated. These consequences are outlined in the Student Handbook.

Other Rules:
Food and drinks are allowed in my classroom, as long as it is not disruptive, and the students clean up after themselves. Electronic devices (iPods, mp3s, cell phones, etc.) are allowed in my classroom, as long as they are not being used at an inappropriate time, and as long as they are not disruptive to the classroom. If an electronic device is being used inappropriately, the device will be confiscated and returned at the end of the class. For multiple violations, the device can be confiscated and turned into the office. See the Student Handbook for more information about devices that get turned into the office. There are many lamps in my room. If a lamp is broken because a student is acting inappropriately, the student will be responsible for replacing the lamp.

Assignments fall into one of two categories:  Daily Work, which is 40 percent of the total grade, and Major Work, which makes up 60 percent of the total grade. Major Work will include projects, tests, and most assessments. There is no late work accepted in the Daily Work category, except for excused absences. Late work in the Major Work category will receive a 10 percent deduction each day, up to five days. After five days, no points will be awarded.

Please sign below acknowledging that you have read and understand this syllabus. If you wish to keep the top portion of this sheet for your records, please cut off at the dotted line and have your student return this signature portion.

_________________________________________             _________________________________________
Student name (printed)                                                                  Student signature

_________________________________________             _________________________________________
Parent signature                                                                               Date

English I

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