Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Week 3 Vocabulary Words, Definitions, Sentences, and Pronunciations

Week 3 Vocab Pronunciations

1.  mundane -  ordinary, commonplace
2.  proliferate - to multiply rapidly in number, to grow quickly
3.  ostracize - to be exclude from a group by common consent, to be left out on purpose
4.  lethargic - lazy, apathetic
5.  mediocre - average in quality
6.  egregious - horrible, awful, conspicuously bad
7.  acquiesce - to agree to, to comply with
8. denotation - the actual dictionary definition of a word
9.  connotation - the feelings or emotions attached to a word
10.  vacillate - to waver back and forth in mind or thought

1.  It was just another mundane day at school.
2.  The flowers in the meadow began to proliferate with the spring rains.
3.  They decided to ostracize the boy from their lunch table.
4.  He is so lethargic, he never gets his school work done.
5.  That restaurant is mediocre, so I'd rather go to Ginger Pop.
6.  The referee's call was egregious, and it cost the home team the win.
7.  I will acquiesce to your request that I be home by 10 p.m.
8.  What is the denotation for "acquiesce"?
9.  I have a negative connotation of the New York Yankees.
10.  The girl began to vacillate about whether to go to Homecoming or not.

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